indian wildlife protection act
Wild life protection
Act has six schedules devoted to wild life protection in which schedule l and ll provide absolute protection to wild life and highest penalties to offender. Animal like black buck comes under schedule 1 and black Buck case offender have provision of imprisonment of minimum 3 years and maximum 7 years with minimum fine of rs 10,000.
When we see letter like "wild life" many of us just ignore in a first look but which we ignore tody have major impact in future.
All living things are inter-connected and balance our ecosystem hence we enjoy healthy environment. We might have feel the importance of healthy environment in urban areas but, the rapid decline of wild animals and birds in India has been of great concern. Some wild animals and birds have already become extinct in our country and others are in danger so Government have taken serious initiative to protect wild life.
According to section 428 and 429 of Indian Penal code killing or crippling of animal is punishable offense even if these animals are stray. Arms Act 1959 make it illegal to keep arms without license.
Wildlife Protection Act 1972 passed by parliament of India which provides protection and conservation of wild animals, birds and plants against illegal poaching, capturing, killing, snaring and trapping. Act include control of trade and commerce in wildlife, and wild life products also focus on setting up of national park and wildlife sanctuaries.
Act has six schedules devoted to wild life protection in which schedule l and ll provide absolute protection to wild life and highest penalties to offender. Animal like black buck comes under schedule 1 and black Buck case offender have provision of imprisonment of minimum 3 years and maximum 7 years with minimum fine of rs 10,000.
Species listed in schedule lll and lV are also protected, but penalty are less compared to schedule l and ll. Wild animal specified in Schedule V are called Vermin and these animal may be hunted. Schedule Vl endemic specified plants are prohibited from cultivation and planting. Section 51 prescribe penalty to offender and Article 51A says it is the duty of every citizens to have compassion for living creatures and to protect and improve the natural environment.
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